Saturday, October 10, 2015

Mitragyna Speciosa; Energy, Alkaline

"Mitragyna Speciosa, also known as Kratom, is my favorite source of energy. Better than a cup of coffee, it perks me up.

A growing number of Americans feel the same way.

Mitragyna can be made as a tea or taken in powdered form, straight down the hatch with a chaser of water, coffee, grapefruit, or tomato juice. Some people mix it in smoothies, yogurt, or applesauce to conceal the taste.

I don't care about the flavor -- it doesn't last long, but the effects last for hours.

I was raised on coffee before school, but I got to a point in my mid-thirties where coffee wasn't doing the job it used to do. This was before ADD and ADHD was a favorite diagnosis that teachers forced on overly energetic schoolkids, so I was never compelled to take their sit-still drugs. Thank God!

Coffee was unpredictable in its strength. Tea was kinda weak.

Most times -- after a brief period of increased vigilance -- coffee would leave me yawning. Other times, too much would leave me wanting to climb the walls, angry, and edgy -- not really alert hours later, but unable to sleep.

Energy drinks, for a time, did a pretty good job for keeping me alert without making me tense. Nevertheless, even the little fruit sugar in my low-carb brand was affecting my vision and the citric acid in the drink was eroding my teeth.

I needed a better energy alternative...

Then I found Mitragyna Speciosa!

Mitragyna is an unusual tree -- an energy tree related to the coffee tree, but containing no caffeine.

Instead, M. Speciosa contains many other alkaloids, some of which act as opioid antagonist and some as antagonists. Some lower blood pressure. Some help by facilitating insulin transport glucose into our cells (very handy for pre-diabetics like myself!).

Mitragynine, the most common alkaloid in Kratom, also stimulates the adrenal glands to cause alertness. It is this proadrenergic effect that is what I and others from the ADD/ADHD community find very effective -- without a sugar crash or caffeine jitters."

Source and Full Article

Monday, August 31, 2015

The Easiest Way to End an Addiction to Opiates

"Quitting Opiates, Opioids, Heroin, or even Alcohol Is Much Easier with the Herb Kratom.

Quitting any addiction -- but especially opiates -- is a greatly feared occasion. Many people put if off indefinitely, until they run out and can get no more. There is no need to postpone quitting, though, if Kratom is available.

Most of us know we should quit, but doing without pain relief is something we avoid at all costs. This can get very costly in terms of friends lost, trust in us lost, money, and loss of self-respect -- all sacrificed in hopes of avoiding the agony of withdrawal.

Then, too, it's not just the return of the original chronic pain, if that's why we started. It the pain of ripping that monkey off our back -- that's the nightmare we're avoiding.

When we look carefully at our experience on heroin or synthetic opiates, such as Oxycontin, Hydrocodone, Percocets -- the drug has often become less effective over time and is hardly a better alternative to constant pain. Toward the end, when we are firmly addicted, there is little relief left in it. It has become just a matter of avoiding the pain we know that awaits us if we run out or are cut off by our doctor.

When You Are Tired of Being an Opioid Zombie, Kratom Is Ready to Bring You Back to Life

If you have access to Kratom, the good news is that there is a way to end your addiction with a minimum of discomfort in about a week.

We're not talking about substituting an even harder-to-quit opioid, such as Suboxone or Methadone, for your "preferred" drug. We're talking about walking away and washing your hands totally with an herb called Kratom.

It won't matter if an underlying chronic pain was how you became addicted in the first place. Kratom is a very effective source of relief for many types of chronic and acute pain. Replacing oxycodone is no problem and the quality of relief is superior say many longtime sufferers.

Kratom has been used traditionally in Southeast Asia for hundreds of years to help people quit opium and heroin without the torturous physical symptoms of withdrawal.

Kratom will even give you some energy to do things, too, which will help take your mind off the period of emptiness that quitting an old habit often brings. Kratom contains 40 alkaloids and compounds that produce pain relief, varying degrees of energy, mood enhancement, without causing the extreme addiction and other side-effects the opiates do.

If you are not familiar with Kratom, you are in for a treat. It is the way out that you have hoped for -- that "Get Out of Jail Free" card that Nature gives us when we've learned our lesson and want to get back to feeling normal, or maybe a little better than normal.

Most people are amazed at how easy the transition is from heroin or any of the opioids. You don't have to sell your soul to the rehab clinic or go through a boring, demeaning. 12-Step program to regain your freedom and self-respect.

You will not be humiliated by standing in line to get your daily dose of some substitute, which still messes you up, keeps you paying into Big Pharma, keeps you marching in that zombie army in the perpetual twilight between sleeping and waking. ..."

Source and Full Article


"Is kratom an effective pain medication?

Many people report that kratom is an effective pain medication (analgesic). In fact, except for opium, kratom is probably the most effective herbal analgesic available."

Source and More

Friday, August 28, 2015

Kratom for Opiate Withdrawal – The Most Powerful Therapy Available

The use of kratom for opiate withdrawal is nothing new – for multiple centuries, people suffering from severe opiate addictions have turned to this natural herbal remedy for relief. Grown wild in the jungles of Southeast Asia, kratom has been used as a medicinal for a broad range of serious medical conditions for as many as thousands of years.

Recently, researchers have confirmed what has been well documented anecdotally – the plant’s potent natural alkaloids can soothe the most intense symptoms. This makes Kratom one of the best treatments for drug withdrawal side effects. This is potentially incredible news for the millions who battle with opiate addiction world wide.

How Kratom Works for Opiate Withdrawal
First, let’s review how opiates create a dependency in the body. The opiate agonists bond with cell receptors and stimulate the sympathetic nervous system. This stimulation results in increased levels of endorphin production, which not only generates a sensation of feeling “high” in the user, it also sets up a dangerous dynamic. Over time, the body adjusts to these new levels of function and feeling. But, the body cannot maintain this level of endorphin production on its own, so receptors begin to clamor for more of the drug. If the user stops feeding opiates to the receptors, the entire now-depleted nervous system experiences a severe crash. The subjective experience of this is so intense that a user will naturally wish to take more opiates to stave off the bad feelings. Hence, an addiction is born.

Kratom is not an opiate. The naturally-occurring pant alkaloids that form within the leaves of the Mitragyna Speciosa tree can interact with the body’s opioid receptors, but they do not generate long-term dependency or addiction. Kratom has a soothing effect on “needy” receptors, easing them via natural stimulation back into a more balanced state.

Some of the assistance that kratom can provide for withdrawal sufferers:

Return of normal appetite.
Relief of muscle pain associated with withdrawal.
Ability to sleep.
Easing of nausea.
Help with depression-related thoughts.

History of Kratom Use For Opiate Addiction
Beginning in 1897, the first published studies promoting kratom for opiate withdrawal began to appear. Today, kratom is frequently used in methadone detox programs, and has been recommended as a course of action against drug addiction withdrawal by hospitals like the National Institute of Thai Traditional Medicine in Bangkok. Recent research points to the alkaloids 7-hydroxymitragynine as perhaps the main agonist responsible for soothing withdrawing receptors.

Kratom and Methadone
kratom for opiate detoxMany users have reported strong success in using kratom for opiate withdrawal as it applies specifically to methadone. Long prescribed as a safer alternative for heroin addicts, methadone itself went on to become a lifelong addiction for many opiate-dependent sufferers. Trading one chemical addiction for another is at best a lateral move. However, by introducing kratom into their systems, methadone users are able to release the deep chemical grip on their system

Kratom, acting as a short-term mu receptor agonist in the body, allows the user to transition to an opiate free lifestyle much more quickly than attempting to taper off use via methadone. As has been observed, some methadone users are never able to perform this tapering, over many years. Hardcore opiate or methadone users will still experience symptoms of withdrawal as they make their transition, but side effects when using kratom are considered to be far more mild and manageable than what is commonly experienced from methadone. For this reason, using kratom for withdrawal from methadone could be a viable new alternative for those who are caught in a chemical addiction cycle.

How to Use Kratom to treat Drug Addiction
The key to treating withdrawal symptoms with kratom is patience. The whole point is to ease the body off of its dependencies. Many long term opiate users have trouble tapering off of a substance like methadone because they shock their systems with sudden overnight cessation. Most kratom users who have reported success with this process recommend a slow and measured approach, introducing a kratom routine in place of methadone, slowly, over the course of a month or more. Then gradually, as more and more methadone has been replaced by kratom, the user can then gradually lower the dosage and frequency until they completely quit kratom.

Everybody is different, and of course the severity of withdrawal symptoms, tolerance, and other external conditions will play a role in the process. Anyone suffering from opiate addiction is encouraged to ask for professional help and the support of peers in attempting to return to balance. Using Kratom for opiate detox is best done with the guidance from qualified health practitioners. Kratom can play a valuable role in a healthy, safe recovery.